History of the HNSKY planetarium program.
Report your questions,
sugggestion and problems at the HNSKY
forum or send to me directly
2024-06-14 HNSKY 4.3.2b Fixed a problem caused by the latest openssl library in e.g. Mint 21.3
2024-05-29 HNSKY 4.3.2a Made help in Linux version online only. Firefox snap version does not allow to read html files in /opt/help.
2024-05-28 HNSKY 4.3.2. Replaced again unit for internet access. Allowed partial mpcorb.DAT download to speed up. Fixed cursor problems in Linux
2024-05-19 Added the missing 32 bit version. Recompiled the hnsky_themes version.
2024-05-16 HNSKY 4.3.1. Modified object menu. Added a prefix string for filtering object displayed on the map. Replaced internet downloader and included a download progress indicator.
2024-05-08 HNSKY 4.3.0b. Fixed DSS images download for regions with a comma decimal separator.
2024-05-07 HNSKY 4.3.0a. Fixed a asteroid and comet download problems for some region.
2024-05-02 HNSKY 4.3.0. Asteroid and comet database files are now binary.
2024-03-06 HNSKY 4.3.0ß2 (Windows), Fixed a bug in downloading the comet file update.
2024-03-06 HNSKY 4.3.0ß (Windows), Asteroiden database is now binary for speed. Added export possibility for MPCORB.DAT files. Removed the asteroid and comet editor.
2023-11-21 HNSKY 4.2.15f (Windows), 4.2.15f2 (Linux). Improved PA (position angle) measurement.
2023-09-16 HNSKY 4.2.15f. Fixed asteroid and comet update for newer Linux distributions.
2023-07-08 HNSKY 4.2.15d. Fixed a false error message when downloading ESO DSS images.
2023-06-11 Added the Windows 32 bit version which was missing.
2023-06-10 Refreshed upload for AMD64 since it was not updated.
2023-05-29 HNSKY 4.2.15c Improved the editor. Fixed the id for single instance running which was the same as ASTAP.
2023-05-08 HNSKY 4.2.15a For Linux and Mac version the selection "no telescope" was not working. Fixed for Linux.
2023-04-27 Corrected the uploaded version from 4.2.14b to 4.2.15
2023-04-25 HNSKY 4.2.15 Added an option to disable telescope link to avoid errors. Fixed star boldness for the V16 and V17 star database. Fixed plotting stars in some areas. Removed statusbar1 message. Gave a title to a download error message
2023-02-28 HNSKY 4.2.14b Fixed a runtime error in settings for Linux and Mac version (when selecting non-English).
2023-02-28 HNSKY 4.2.14b Fixed a runtime error in settings for Linux and Mac version (when selecting non-English).
2023-02-19 HNSKY 4.2.14a Fixed a problem for moveaxis command for tracking solar objects.
2023-02-18 HNSKY 4.2.14 Improved smooth tracking of solar objects. See new options in settings menu, tab settings.
2023-02-15 HNSKY 4.2.13 Allowed only one instance of HNSKY (for link CCDciel), allowed text search for objects when not displayed. Fixed small refresh bug terrestrial view.
2023-02-12 HNSKY 4.2.12 Revamped INDI telescope control. Improved solar object tracking.
2023-02-01 HNSKY 4.2.11b Fixed a runtime error running under Linux. Some minor cosmetic corrections.
2023-01-29 HNSKY 4.2.11a Fixed a bug in Tracking smooth solar object.
2023-01-29 HNSKY 4.2.11 Overhauled INDI communication.
2023-01-25 HNSKY 4.2.11ß3 Added seconds for update interval, Add tracking smooth of comets and asteroid. See telescope popup menu
2023-01-25 HNSKY 4.2.11ß Fixed INDI client. Added mount tracking rates to follow comets and asteroids.
2023-01-23 HNSKY 4.2.10 Added solar object apparant movement and pa to statusbar and added to the server export (for CCDCiel)
2022-12-14 HNSKY 4.2.10ß2 Allow "Dark nights next days" display when running a system at UTC time but a different time zone.
2022-11-16 HNSKY 4.2.9 Fixed a small star coverage problem.
2022-10-31 HNSKY 4.2.8a Added some translations for angular measurement.
2022-10-19 HNSKY 4.2.8 Fixed asteroid and comet track function (INS). Added a shortcut for menu no sidereal motion.
2022-09-30 HNSKY 4.2.7 Added menu option "no sidereal motion"
2022-09-30 HNSKY 4.2.7ß2 (Use alternative links) Some minor changes.
2022-09-29 HNSKY 4.2.7ß (Use alternative links) New czech.ini, fixed problem deepsky magnitude jumping to max. Adapt hint font size to other font settings. Fixed convergence problem comets. Increased the accuracy of comet calculations with an eccentricity close to 1.
2022-07-24 HNSKY 4.2.6 Fixed direct screen refresh is comets or asteroids are selected.
2022-04-28 HNSKY 4.2.5 Replace the TCP communication library. Overhauled Alpaca and INDI communication and fixed memory leaks. Overhauled server.
2022-04-24 HNSKY 4.2.4a Fixed a fatal error is switching from Alpaca to Ascom.
2022-04-23 HNSKY 4.2.4 Fixed a problem in the Alpaca interface.
2022-02-27 HNSKY 4.2.3 Added an option to the popup menu to measure distance. Improved angular distance measurement for large distances.
2022-02-12 HNSKY 4.2.2 Change the three state checkmarks to two states for asteroids and comets.
2022-02-11 HNSKY 4.2.2ß1 Fixed instant refreshing time when repaint is done due to key press.
2022-02-08 HNSKY 4.2.1 Simplified operation. Only switching between terrestrial and celestial mode. Improved measuring frame.
2022-02-07 HNSKY 4.2.1ß, Simplified operation. Only switching between terrestrial and celestial mode.
2022-01-21 HNSKY 4.2.0, Released the first macOS version. Redesigned rectangle selection. Fixed a star coverage program for SAO and PPM near celestial poles.
2021-12-30 HNSKY 4.1.33b, Fixed JPL orbital elements import for Chrome.
2021-12-04 HNSKY 4.1.33a, Fixed the date menu tab to the first tab.
2021-11-30 HNSKY 4.1.33, Fixed importing JPL orbital elements.
2021-10-01 HNSKY 4.1.32, Update of the Catalan translation and help file in the Windows version.
2021-09-08 HNSKY 4.1.32, Fixed selection of JPL ephemerides (DE430/431).
2021-09-03 HNSKY 4.1.31a, Fixed a freeze by the comet unit for dates before 1995. Improved updating delta-t setting in date menu.
2021-06-18 HNSKY 4.1.31, Fixed an other star coverage problem.
2021-06-13 HNSKY 4.1.30b, Fixed placing a rectangle at the celestial pole.
2021-05-10 HNSKY 4.1.30, Fixed a star coverage problem (since dec 2020). Fixed printing of planet and deep-sky fits images.
2020-12-31 HNSKY 4.1.29, Better fix for star coverage problem when the celestial pole is in the corner of the window.
2020-12-30 HNSKY 4.1.28, Fixed some minor star coverage problem when the celestial pole is in the corner of the window.
2020-12-12 HNSKY 4.1.27, Gaia online version adapted to eDR3. Uploaded the first new Gaia star databases based on Gaia release eDR3. Difference will be minimal.
2020-12-07 HNSKY 4.1.26, Fixed slew to option. Could not be switched off.
2020-11-12 HNSKY 4.1.25, Change the option slew to in the search window. Now in all cases the map will center on the searched object.
2020-10-23 HNSKY 4.1.24, Fixed removing downloaded DSS files. Upgrade of the deepsky database for Cygnus.
2020-10-05 HNSKY 4.1.23, 2 Fixed swipe behavior for Linux version only. Happened if the left mouse button is pressed while mouse is moving.
2020-10-05 HNSKY 4.1.22 Changed mouse position in RA, DEc to full resolution. Mouse click position to statusbar. Updated Bulgarian translation. Added popup menu to search window to allow to copy the list from search window to clipboard.
2020-9-29 HNSKY 4.1.21 Identical as ß6 except after search with center on the telescope tracking is disabled.
2020-9-21 HNSKY 4.1.21ß6 Added blue colour (can be modified) for DSS blue bandpass. Added new translation keywords.
2020-9- 19 HNSKY 4.1.21ß5 Added new bandpass menu for DSS downloads. If you have installed HNSKY 4.1.21ß4, then please delete manually the install FITS files in documents/hnsky\ fits first.
2020-9- 13 HNSKY 4.1.21ß4 Modified load fits option. The original fits directory is preserved.
2020-9- 13 HNSKY 4.1.21ß3 Added non-english labels for new menu option
2020-9- 12 HNSKY 4.1.21ß2 Fixed hints for unicode.
2020-9- 10 HNSKY 4.1.21ß1 Modfied FITS functionality. Number of FITS downloads is now unlimited. Added an option for only clearing visible FITS files. For faster access, the FITS file name contains now a RA, DEC position code.
2020-9- 1 HNSKY 4.1.20 Modified save-as for supplements, such that the supplement name is copied to object menu. Upgraded the supplement "M33 global clusters".
2020-8-28 HNSKY 4.1.19 Remove menu NAO DSS-image download since they shutdown their service. Fixed some problems with reading supplements. Added two supplements with global clusters of M31 and M33.
2020-8-20 HNSKY 4.1.18a Fixed plotting FITS files across the celestial pole.
2020-7-17 HNSKY 4.1.18 Fixed missing grid labels on the right side of the screen. Hungarian translation update available by István.
2020-5-14 HNSKY 4.1.17 Fixed a problem when using the measuring frame in combination with dragging the map around. Update the main database and some star supplements.
2020-4-15 HNSKY 4.1.16 Fixed an asteroid download problem. All MPC asteroids where loaded. Added a Sourceforge update link for asteroids and comets.
2020-3-23 HNSKY 4.1.15 Fixed a double click problem in search window. Fixed a alignment problem and colour problem in menu move_to. Some code improvement. Fixed error message for moveto between -10 and+10 degrees declination.
2020-2-24 HNSKY 4.1.14 Fixed a problem in selecting the external databases in hnsky_themes. Some code cleanup in the objectmenu.
2020-2-21 HNSKY 4.1.13 Fixed some minor problems for downloading asteroids.
2020-1-26 HNSKY 4.1.12 Updated the language files for de Linux version.
2020-1-25 HNSKY 4.1.12 Modified the goto menu and added "slew_to" option to the search window.
Modified go to window:
Added "slew to" option for telescope mounts in the search option:
2020-1-14 HNSKY 4.1.11 Fixed problems using Simbad and Hyperleda downloads
2020-1-13 HNSKY 4.1.10 Fixed some problem in Simbad and Hyperleda downloads
2020-1-11 HNSKY 4.1.9 Removed night vision. (Use Win10 night light instead), made horizon thicker. Fixed animation menu for hnsky_themes.
2020-1-9 HNSKY 4.1.8 (no change) Updated the Catalan help file. Changed for declination the degrees symbol from "d" to °.
2020-1-7 HNSKY 4.1.8. Modified the asteroid download. Asteroids are now extracted from the full size file MPCORB.DAT. The small file of bright asteroids as previously provided by the Minor Planet Center is no longer available. Note that download take some time size since it is a very large file. The program extract a selection based on number of asteroids required and limiting magnitude as set.
2019-11-24 HNSKY 4.1.7b. Adapted the anchor of button "abreviations" from right to left. Should help in 4k display mode.
2019-11-18 HNSKY 4.1.7a. This version will hide the horizon line if you make it exactly the same colour as the RA, DEC grid.
2019-9-19 Added IAU and Astronomy magazine constellation supplements,
2019-9-12 HNSKY 4.1.7, fixed a problem with the deepsky level slider. Adapted the server communication for frames import by the APT program.
2019-9-8 Minor update of the G16, G17, G18 databases
2019-9-7 Repacked using an (older) installer compatible with Windows XP.
2019-8-28 HNSKY 4.1.6c Added an arm64 (aaarch64) version for Pi computers running a 64 bit operating system. Modified the http file download for this version.
2019-8-28 HNSKY 4.1.6b Modified code for pulling a rectangle and measuring frame to be compatible with Raspian Buster.
2019-8-27 HNSKY 4.1.6a Update for Linux version, fixing OpenSSL problem using the latest Linux distributions.
2019-8-25 HNSKY 4.1.6 Modified displaying FITS images that for all sources the same brightness settings are required. Fixed in themes version a display problem with image brightness trackbar.
2019-8-23 HNSKY 4.1.5 Fixed displaying SkyView fits files for very wide field. (Mellinger survey) Added experimental mosaic design export. Fixed OpenSSL problem for some new Linux versions.
2019-8-20 HNSKY 4.1.4a Fixed deleting a mosaic rectangle. Updated help file description designing a mosaic.
2019-8-18 HNSKY 4.1.4 Modified star database routine for small speed improvement. Removed JPL ephemerides links. In settings added buttons for path selection.
2019-8-4 HNSKY 4.1.3a Some cosmetic improvements. In the Linux version added a watchdog for internet access.
2019-8-1 HNSKY 4.1.3 Added Simbad online search. The RA, DEC grid gets ground colour below horizon.
HNSKY 4.1.2a. Fixed a problem in hnsky_themes version with the object
menu. Added support for kchmviewer to read deepsky.chm file.
HNSKY 4.1.2. Added a HNSKY themes version. For 64 bit systems two HNSKY
versions are installed. The second HNSKY_themes follows the Win10
themes. Disadvantage is that the pull down menu text is always black.
Select a lighter background colour to compensate.
HNSKY 4.1.1. Overhauled the menus to allow one source code for Windows,
Linux and Linux Raspberry Pi. More space is introduced to prevent
overlapping in other operating systems.
HNSKY 4.1.0b. Fixed some browser help problem in the Linux versions.
HNSKY 4.1.0. minor improvements.
2019-6-5 Added two new variable star supplements:
- GCVS 800 short period
variable stars.sup
- GCVS 22500 variable stars.sup
2019-5-21 HNSKY version 4.1.0ß1 Deep sky objects are now in one single file "deep_sky.hnd". For deep sky level setting a seperate slider is created. Therefore any search will look through the whole database.
2019-5-3 HNSKY version 4.0.5a HyperLeda, change magnitude limit from vt to bt. Fixed search radius. Fixed astroid update for previous year data. Updated the local HyperLeda database.
2019-4-29 HNSKY version 4.0.5 Magnitude of downloaded online database is now limited by magnitude setting in the object menu. this will speedup the process.
2019-4-28 HNSKY version 4.0.4 New, online query HyperLeda and Simbad is plotted in map! Ned still goes to browser.
2019-4-15 HNSKY version 4.0.3a,b Added get_position command to TCP/IP server.
2019-4-10 HNSKY version 4.0.3 Adapted to standard colour FITS files (naxis3=3). So any FITS files which is solved should be displayed correctly.
2019-4-9 HNSKY version 4.0.2b,c Greatly improved reading external fits files. Contrast/data range is better adapted. Added keywords cwhite, cblack to fits file reading for better range settings.
2019-4-8 New German translation by Guido Hollenstein added.
2019-4-3 HNSKY version 4.0.2a, Added: If asteroid file for this year is not available, download previous year.
2019-4-2 HNSKY version 4.0.2, Added precession correction for celestial north & south cross. Same for polar scope view.
2019-3-18 HNSKY version 4.0.1, Finalised Alpaca, improved polar alignment scope window, fixed a center problem if telescope tracking was on.
2019-3-15 HNSKY version 4.0.1ß4, fixed equinox and some other things.
2019-3-11 HNSKY version 4.0.1ß1x, first edition with internal ASCOM Alpaca client.
2018-12-11 HNSKY version 4.0.0x, improved ASCOM error handling. Fixed background colour trackbars of object menu.
2018-11-28 HNSKY version 4.0.0w, added moon Charon (Pluto) internal and as supplement. Note Pluto and Charon are both rotating around barycenter which is outside Pluto, so it is not perfect.
2018-11-4, HNSKY version 4.0.0v, fixed some artifacts drawn by the measuring frame at high zoom factors.
2018-9-15, HNSKY version 4.0.0u, A CCD frame is now a single object in supplement 2. This allow to retrieve the center position. Updated the server commands for CCD frame control. New frame angle definition conform PA for deep sky objects.
2018-9-15, HNSKY version 4.0.0t, added a delete_frame command for the sever. Second name of object is reported after a server object search. For frames this is the frame center position.
2018-8-18, HNSKY version 4.0.0s, fixed a problem in the object menu, selecting supplement 2.
2018-8-15, HNSKY version 4.0.0r, minor corrections in editor.
2018-8-03, HNSKY version 4.0.0q, overhauled the INDI client
2018-6-23, updated Catalan translation en Esperanto.ini
2018-6-12, HNSKY version 4.0.0p, Added three supplements for Nereid (Neptune moon), Iapetus (Saturn moon) and Pasiphae (Jupiter Moon.) These supplements only work only with version 4.0.0p
2018-6-6, updated the help file
2018-6-5, HNSKY version 4.0.0o2, Fixed again Fixed Galilean moons calculation. Added in settings adjustment for Jupiter Great Red Spot transit times
2018-6-4, HNSKY version 4.0.0n,
- fixed a bug in Galilean moons calculation and updated red spot calculation.
- fixed night vision mode for Linux
- Added missing tyc_717.290 to Windows installer
2018-6-3, HNSKY version 4.0.0m2, replaced editor since it was causing problems under Linux.
2018-6-3, HNSKY version 4.0.0L3, online version of Gaia has also star colors. Released version III of the G16 with all bright stars having colour information..
2018-6-1, HNSKY version 4.0.0L2, fixed random but wrong colour indication for databases other then G16. Released Linux version 4.0.0L.
2018-5-31, HNSKY version 4.0.0L & new G16 database including Gaia colour information. This new database will only work with version 4.0.0L
2018-5-28, HNSKY version 4.0.0k adaption of icons to Hi-DPI.
2018-5-23, HNSKY version 4.0.0j minor cosmetic improvements in menus
2018-5-22, HNSKY version 4.0.0i2 Cosmetic improvements in menus
2018-5-20, HNSKY version 4.0.0i Adapted to Hi-DPI settings up to 192 dpi. Please report any problem with missing label or wrong position in the menu's. Many items have been adapted and something could be set wrong.
2018-5-16, Linux 4.0.0h, Windows v4.0.0h1. Compiled with compiler option Hi-DPI.
2018-5-15, Updated help files.
2018-5-10, HNSKY 4.0.0h, removed GSC star catalogue support.
2018-5-8, Native star database up to magnitude 18 based on Gaia DR2 released. Zoom in to the milky way to see stars up to magnitude 18. Please update HNSKY to version 4.0.0.g for correct slider settings.
2018-5-7, New Gaia DR2 based native star database. Magnitude is photographic BP. A Johnson V and visual magnitude will follow.
2018-4-25, HNSKY version 4.0.0e, adapted online Gaia to DR2 release. Improved plotting speed in some cases by 10-20%
2018-4-23, Updated Catalan translation.
2018-4-11, Added to two supplements, one with all stars within 100 light years and one with all stars with G2V spectrum.
2018-4-11, HNSKY version 4.0.0e, fixed broken FITS routine of 4.0.0d
2018-4-11, HNSKY version 4.0.0d, modified the "max magnitude" slider effect on asteroids. Less are displayed.
2018-4-5, HNSKY version 4.0.0c, build in a protection against compressed FITS files.
2018-4-1, HNSKY version 4.0.0b, fixed a problem starting the editor containing a large file.
2018-3-27, HNSKY version 4.0.0a, fixed the position of the mosaic building rectangle for mean and apparent coordinate systems.
2018-3-26, Maintenance update. Improved Occult import, Fixed numerical integration of large asteroid files.
2018-3-23, Maintenance update. Added small step zoom by Shift+Mouse wheel and small step rotation by Alt+Mouse wheel.
2018-3-19, Adapted asteroid import for Occult .csv format.
2018-3-14, fixed the help files for Chrome browser
2018-3-7, HNSKY version 4.0.0 is final and released
New improved telescope cursor:
NEXT : History part 2