The home page of the Hallo Northern SKY planetarium program.

Welcome to the web page of the semi professional free planetarium program HNSKY for MS-Windows and Linux. This program can control your telescope via the ASCOM or INDI interface, has a comprehensive up to date deep sky database with 30.000 objects and detailed descriptions. A star database with millions of stars and hundreds of Deep Sky Survey images which blends in accurately. Additional the program can access the online version of the Deep Sky Survey allowing online update of the asteroid and comet databases and it can search on-line in professional astronomical databases. Is provided with menu's in 22 languages and it is totally free without any advertisement or restriction!!

Free with 30.000 deep sky objects and native star databases up to magnitude 18. Online access to GAIA DR2, UCAC4, NOMAD and PPMXL star catalogues or download the USNO UCAC4 up to magnitude 16. The Sun, Moon, the planets and their major moons are all displayed with surface features. It maps the position of comets and asteroids with online updating. It is provided with hundreds of DSS deep sky images which will blend in at the correct size and orientation. It has a powerful animation menu. and an integrated deep sky observations help file with and 22 non-English menus. The MS-Windows version contains both 32 bit and native 64 bit versions. In can control almost any telescope using the ASCOM interface program. Works flawlessly together with programs like EQMOD and MaximDL. Downloading of additional DSS images via the Internet is fully integrated. Just select an area and select download.After a few second the DSS image will blend in the HNSKY map at the correct size and orientation. The comet or asteroid database can be updated online with just one click. Online database search for objects in the selected area. Numerical integration for asteroids to achieve highest accuracy positions years in the future or past. The error is less then 1" after 10 years !!! So an asteroid orbital elements from 10 years ago will after numerical integration allow position calculation within 1" accurate!! So also 10 years in the future. The program can use Jet Propulsion Laboratory Development Ephemeris like the DE431 covering years –13,000 to +16,999 for planetary positions.

HNSKY popup menu HNSKY



HNSKY v4.3.2d installer. Dated 2025-03-24. See history for details. Alternative link for installer. 

Linux version:
1) HNSKY version 4.3.2d AMD64 deb package  (64 bit) or rpm package or tar archive or i386 32 bit deb (4.3.2b)  (52 mbytes Debian package)  Will be installed in /opt/hnsky and accessible via menu education. Alternative link_deb link_rpm link_tar
2) HNSKY home documents , 21 mbytes zip archive. Extract to your home folder,  ~/.hnsky. Please remove old FITS files first. The file names have changed!  Dated 2024-05-31  Alternative link  

Raspberry PI :
1) HNSKY version 4.3.2d arm64 (64 bit) deb pacakge) or 64 bit tar  or   HNSKY version 4.3.2d armhf (32 bit deb package)  (52 mbytes Debian package)  Will be installed in /opt/hnsky and accessible via menu education.  From  sourceforge
2) HNSKY home documents , 21 mbytes zip archive. Extract to your home folder,  ~/.hnsky. Please remove old FITS files first. The file names have changed!  Dated 2024-05-31

1) HNSKY version 4.3.2)  (850 mbytes installer  V17 star database down to magn 17 is included. From  sourceforge
2) HNSKY home documents, 21 mbytes zip archive. Extract to Documents/hnsky. Dated 2022-1-3

Additional star databases see  below. For ASCOM 32 bit only drivers, install the 32 bit executable from manual installation below.
Manual install version

MS Windows version latest version complete in a zip archive for manual installation (70 mbytes zip archive) Extract (and overwrite if required) these files to the HNSKY program directory or an other folder. The 32 bit version file is hnsky32.exe. The others are 64 bit. Including the magnitude 12.5 star database. Additional you could download the V16, V17 , G!8 or G18 star database  from below. Remove manually the old "Deepsky level 1,2,3 .hnd" files.

   History    HELP file    FORUM    Screen shots of HNSKY.     

Star databases:
Local star databases
Name Abbreviation Magnitude limit Colour / Mono
Type Size Maximum
Proper motion Description and download link
Local files, native 290-10 format
45 MB
360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY star database up to magnitude 12.5 containing 4.7 million stars. Compilation from TYCHO-2 & UCAC4. Included with the program and installed.
Mono Local files, native 290-9 format 341 MB 
360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY database up to magnitude 15 containing 39 million stars. Compilation from TYCHO-2 and UCAC4. Contains the Tycho and UCAC star identifiers/designation. 

Download: RAR file or  RAR file Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky.
V16  16
Local files, native 290-6 format 346 MB  360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY database up to Johnson-V magnitude 16 , containing 60 million stars. Magnitude is the calculated Johnson-V magnitude and colour information (GBp-GRp) is provided. A 455 bright Tycho2 stars are added for completeness.

Download: Windows installer or Debian package or ZIP file or  RAR file.. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky.  Provided by  Sourceforge.

Recommended for visual observers.

Colour Local files, native 290-6 format 695 MB  360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY database up to Johnson-V magnitude 17 , containing 120 million stars. Magnitude is the calculated Johnson-V magnitude and colour information (GBp-GRp) is provided. A 455 bright Tycho2 stars are added for completeness.

Download: Windows installer or Debian package or ZIP file or RAR file. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky.  Provided by  Sourceforge.

Recommended for visual observers.
GAIA eDR3 G17 17
Local files, native 290-5 format 503
360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY database up to photographic magnitude 17  containing 105 million stars. Magnitude is the unmodified Gaia BP. A 455 bright Tycho2 stars are added for completeness. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky.

Download: Windows installer or Debian package or ZIP file or RAR file. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky. Provided by  Sourceforge.

Recommended for  astrophotographers.
GAIA eDR3 G18 18
Mono Local files, native 290-5 format 996 MB  360° No, epoch
Native HNSKY database up to photographic magnitude 18 containing 205 million stars. Magnitude is the unmodified Gaia BP. 82 bright Tycho2 stars are added for completeness. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky.

Download: Windows installer or Linux Debian package or ZIP file or RAR file. Unpack in the program directory, typically c:\program files\hnsky or for Linux /opt/hnsky. Provided by  Sourceforge.
Mono Local files, external USNO
8.4 GB
2.6x1.3° Yes
UCAC4:You can download the 113 million stars, 8.5 Gbytes large USNO UCAC4 from HNSKY can access this catalog directly. Download Z001 to Z900 from the U4b directory and add to the same directory file u4index.unf from U4i. This UCAC4 and Nomad are the catalogues where HNSKY will use proper motion for maximum accuracy. See HNSKY UCAC screenshots.
Online catalogues Name
Abbreviation Magnitude limit Colour / Mono Type
Size Maximum
Proper motion Description
Mono online
2.6x1.3° Yes
The USNO UCAC4 includes positions, proper motions and magnitudes for 113 million objects
Gaia DR2
1.4x0.8° Yes
Gaia DR2
Mono online
1.4x0.8° Yes
NOMAD is merged catalog compiled by the USNO, with positions and magnitudes for 1.1 billion stars from several source catalogs, including Hipparcos, Tycho-2, UCAC 2, and USNO-B 1.0
20 Mono online - 1.4x0.8° Yes PPMXL is a catalog of positions, proper motions, 2MASS- and optical photometry of 900 million stars and galaxies, aiming to be complete down to about V=20 full-sky. It is the result of a re-reduction of USNO-B1 together with 2MASS.
Mono online
1.4x0.8° Yes
By USNO, northern sky only, extends down to Declination -15°.228 million objects

Older HNSKY versions MS-Windows: HNSKY version 3.3.5q (installer, 74 MB, dated 2018-3-5) Including the magnitude 12.5 star database. Or version HNSKY 2.4.1 from 2014.
More asteroids/minor planets 

For more asteroids you have to download and import the huge uncompressed MPCORB.DAT file from the Minor Planet Center. This file contains the orbital element contains about 710.000 numbered asteroids and size is uncompressed 140 mbytes. Save this file as MPCORB.DAT. Open this file in Wordpad or any editor and keep the first 30.000 asteroids or so and  remove the rest. Open the MPCORB.DAT file in the internal HNSKY asteroid editor. HNSKY will then convert format. To  make permanent save to HNS_AST1.AST. HNSKY will  only read the numbered asteroids. 

Alternatively conversion of MPCORB.DAT to supplement format can be done with this small DOS program
Additional supplements

HyperLeda_980.000_galaxies supplement Dated 2015-1-5 (10 MB) demo image using 65 mm telescope.  Extract the zip archive in the HNSKY directory under DOCUMENTS.
HyperLeda_2.100.000_galaxies database (type hnd)  Dated 2019-05-3 (36 MB) This is a deepsky database not a supplement. Unpacked size is 103 mbytes.  Extract and place this huge deepsky database in the HNSKY PROGRAM directory. You have to select either this one or the standard deepsky database.
World map supplement: World map supplement version 3.0 dated 2000-10-22. World map and 2700 cities with there location and relative brightness. Scale 1 : 5.000.000. See screen shot of version 2.0. Included a conversion program to convert coastlines to a supplement.
GCVS 4.1 variable star supplement. Complete 37382 star version. In this supplement the GCVS is displayed as labels so you can easily cross check with Tycho or UCAC2. To get Tycho star info switch off the supplement. (The smaller 7800 star version is included to the basic package)
Additonal star databases Bonner (1859–62)  and Cordoba (1879) Durchmusterung visual star database. Converted to equinox 2000. 1.064.775 stars, Obsolete. Version  2002-9-19
Additional FITS images Extra  large Mars map (Color 1000x500 pixels) , large Mercury maps (1440x720 pixels) based on Mariner 10, SVTS and large Jupiter maps (Color 600x300 and 1200x450 pixels) . Use the large maps only if you have a fast computer or some patience. The planetary FITS files should be placed in your FITS directory.

45 hand made drawings/sketches (880 Kbytes) of Bill Ferris, Todd Nowlan and Rainer Töpler as FITS files. These can blended inside the map. They should be put in an other directory as the Realsky images otherwise they are blend with the Realsky images.

Other languages non-English help files and language  modules. If you  want create a new language module start modifying the English one .
CD covers Some designs by volunteers: or or or or
Conversion tools
Star catalog conversion tool with Delphi source  290 conversion. (Dated 2016-9-25)
SAO PPM conversion tool with Delphi source,  DAT conversion.   (Version 2015-6-4 )
SKY_TOASTER, program for conversion to the TOAST projection,with Delphi source.  v0.0 2016-3-28



ASTAP   Astrometric Stacking Program and FITS viewer.

Realsky and DSS image viewer using HNSKY DDE link (HNS_REAL)  Manual or DDE controlled (HNSKY 3.3.5)  Realsky image viewer. Click on an object and get the realsky image (you have to own the Realsky or DSS CD's). Click on the Realsky image and to center to get cross at HNSKY at the same place. Version 2.0.0c,  Dated 2015-8-11. Here are the instructions and screen shot demo's If your FITS directory in HNSKY is set to the HNS_REAL directory, you will get every result blended in the next screen refresh. HNS_REAL can also be used in batch programs to create several images. Complete with Delphi and C source. Can also batch wise convert FITS to BMP. An other possibility is to control HNS_REAL from the provided Excel table. Contains GETDSS source code version 1.1plus dated 11 august 2015. See also
Miscellaneous The following Windows program ORB_DEB is a simple windows program which calculates the orbital elements of a minor planet based on three observations/positions using the Gauss method: Download ORB_DET.ZIP version 1.02.  Contains a win16, win32 and win64 and Linux (AMD64 bit) version.

The HNSKY object Pascal source can be found at SourceForge

Program to test  the server link of HNSKY.
PDF map Example printed PDF map, format A2, 1200 DPI, azimuthal equidistant projection,  from declination +90 degrees to -50 degrees. Stars up to magnitude 8.5 and 253 deepsky objects. Zoom in to 1200% to see deepsky objects.. Text searchable.


Questions, suggestions regarding the HNSKY program you could email directly to me han kleijn's email address(in English, Dutch or German) or better post them in the HNSKY FORUM. 

If you afraid to ask a trivial question at such a place, please do not hesitate and send it to my email address directly.

Some HNSKY reviews:

2020 review by Softx64
2019 review by Maddownload
Review by SoftonicSoftonic
Review by software informer    
► German review by    
German review by
► Review by  and  compared with other planetarium programs.
► Review by
► Review by
► Review by

Some math and astro info:

An absolute excellent tutorial how to calculate planetary positions by Paul Schlyter.
Pascal, Basic, C source code and Lotus (or Excel) spreadsheet for ephemerides calculation (low accuracy) of the moon and planets.
Not used in HNSKY. Excel table routine for correcting the position of stars and deepsky objects caused by the precession (the shift of the Earth axis and ecliptic), for example equinox B1950 to J2000. - - Implemented in Excel as a visual basic routine using the rigorous method, so the accuracy around the poles is optimum. Can be used to convert star/deepsky databases in Excel. File dated 2002-8-22.
► Rotation of Jupiter's red spot at Web page about Great Red Spot transit times by Bill Gray's of project Pluto.
► The orientation of planetary axis and rotational elements of planets and satellites can be found in the following  IAU-IAG report or updated at, local copy the IAU-IAG report. (great information source)

How it started long time ago:

The creation story of HNSKY by Han Kleijn

Counter since 2015-2-27:
